
There is something fascinating about a river. A river is perhaps given birth by a small pool of fresh water high in the mountains. In Costa Rica we have two coastlines, the Pacific and the Caribbean. The unwavering law of gravity pulls the water in one direction or the other, towards one of our coasts, […]

I have written in the past of Costa Rica’s rivers.  One of my favorite weekend day trips is to go to the Rio Pejibaye.  Pejibaye comes from the palm fruit by same name that is a popular food all over Costa Rica.  The Rio Pejibaye is located to the east of San Jose in the province of […]

There is something fascinating about a river.  A river may be given birth by a small pool high in the mountains.  In Costa Rica we have two great coastlines, the Pacific and the Caribe.  The unwavering law of gravity pulls the water in one direction or the other, towards one of our coasts, where the […]

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