
Since 2008, I’ve been spending the latter part of December and most of January each year in Colombia, South America. Since my first trip things have changed quite a bit. In fact, things have changed drastically from the bad old days of outlaw Pablo Escobar and revolutionaries roaming the countryside. Escobar is long gone and […]

Sancocho, Aguardiente Antioqueño and Vallenatos are just a few things I have learned to enjoy over the last couple years. What am I talking about? C-O-L-O-M-B-I-A, that’s what I’m talking about! I have referred to the fact before in pasts posts that my girlfriend is “pura paisa” from Medellín, Colombia. Yes, that is the home […]

I have an affinity for terra cotta roofing (“teja” in Spanish). You know the rustic red clay circular roofing tiles, which when they age tend to attract black soot, or mold, that makes them appear all the more rustic. Being of Spanish colonial influence, they are widely used in Latin America. I can remember being in Medellin, Colombia […]

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