10 Cool Things to Do on the Costa Rican Caribbean

What a special place Costa Rica is! It is a tiny country with a whole lot of fun packed in. For instance, we have a gorgeous Pacific coastline with more great beaches than I can count. In fact, most people think of our Pacific when they think of Costa Rica beach destinations. But that ignores the fact that we have another coastline that is just as rich in beauty and adventure, the Caribbean.

The Caribbean has a culture and a “vibe” of its very own. There is no other place like it in Costa Rica. On the Caribbean you will find pristine coral reefs, great food, gorgeous beaches, lush jungles teaming with biodiversity, and people who are all smiles. It is the cultural aspect that really makes this place special to me. I highly recommend you add it to the Costa Rica wish-list and make sure to also include some of the following super cool things to do on the Costa Rican Caribbean.

Cool Thing #1: Turtle watching at Tortuguero

Tortuguero is one of the truly special places of Costa Rica. Our customers often do one of the Tortuguero all-inclusive packages that include the lodging, meals, transportation and tours. That is the best way to do Tortuguero as it is a place surrounded by water. Even though Tortuguero is a great place to visit any time of the year, if you can catch it during the green sea turtle nesting season, all the better. This is one of the most endangered marine turtle species on the planet and Tortuguero is its most important nesting ground. But to see this spectacle of nature you need to visit during the months of July through October.

Tortuguero Information site

Cool Thing #2: Visit the Jaguar Animal Rescue Center

The Jaguar Animal Rescue Center in Playa Chiquita is a non-profit foundation to rehabilitate mistreated, injured and/or confiscated animals, which are then reintroduced to their natural habitat in protected areas. It is also a great place to get up close and personal with these amazing creatures.

Jaguar Rescue Center website

Cool Thing #3: Day at the beach at Manzanillo-Gandoca Wildlife Refuge

If you caught my Favorite Place in Costa Rica post, you know that this place is very high on my list of favorites. Why? Because it is stunningly beautiful, untarnished and uncrowded. You just won’t find coastal landscapes anywhere in Costa Rica (perhaps on earth) that can rival some of those you will see in the Manzanill-Gandoca Refuge. Also it is home to am important ecological system, the coral reef. This greatly multiplies the depth of overall biodiversity that in this place exists both on the land and in the sea.

Almonds and Corals lodge

Cool Thing #4: Eat rice and beans at [pretty much everywhere]

Just as gallo pinto is the signature dish of Costa Rica everywhere else, on the Caribbean side, it is coconut flavored “rice and beans.” The stuff is super rich, so don’t eat too much or you’ll be putting de lime en de coconut. Where can you find the stuff? As previously indicated, pretty much everywhere. Try it with fish.

Cool Thing #5: Visit the Bribri Indigenous Reserve

The Talamanca Mountains hug the southern Caribbean coast and they are home to many of Costa Rica’s indigenous groups. These include the Cabecares and Bribris. Visiting the Bribri reserve close to Puerto Viejo will be an incredible cultural experience. You can also stop over at the “Chocolate House” and see how they make chocolate as well as other aspects of their culture. If you would like to get involved in helping the many challenges these groups face, stop and have a talk with Barry Stevens at El Puente in Puerto Viejo. Barry and his wife have been in the area for years assisting Bribri and Cabecar families in making sure their children receive an education.

My video of the Bribri reserve

Cool Thing #6: Visit the Kekoldi Indigenous Reserve

The Kekoldi Reserve is a unique Bribri reserve in that its members are known for their iguana farming methods. Try an iguana egg while you’re there.

Tours of the Kekoldi Reserve

Cool Thing #7: Day at the beach at Cahuita National Park

Cahuita National Park is another one of those places on the Caribbean side that just makes you shake your head and wonder why everyone doesn’t visit. It is a long stretch of white sand beach, with crystal clear water, coral reefs offshore and lush jungle. A great place to soak up the rays, or go for a long nature hike.

Some personal photos of the Cahuita area

Cool Thing #8: Reggae and Calypso music at Cocos Bar in Cahuita

The two most happening Southern Caribbean coastal communities are those of Cahuita and Puerto Viejo. Puerto Viejo is a bit busier than Cahuita. But there is one place in Cahuita that is sure to be rocking every weekend. That is Coco’s Bar that always features local Reggae and Calypso musical talent. A great place to throw down a good night of partying.

Cocos Bar website

Cool Thing #9: Eat Marlin Cevichi at Sobre Las Olas Restaurant in Cahuita

I love this little place that sits right over the crashing waves of Playa Negra in the Cahuita area. One night I was eating there with my daughter and after a bit we both noticed a disturbance in the tree with low hanging limbs just above our table. We looked up and there was a magnificent sloth watching us have our dinner. Maybe he was hungry? This place has a unique item on the menu that I go there just for….the marlin cevichi. I love cevichi in all its forms, but this recipe is perhaps the best I’ve had in Costa Rica.

Video of Sobre Las Olas

Cool Thing #10: Go tarpon fishing at the Barra del Colorado Wildlife Refuge

This is one of the few places that I’ve never been too. However, I have heard great things about it. It is very remote, located in the far northeastern corner along the border with Nicaragua. In fact, recently we had a little incident (some called an “invasion”) when Nicaraguan troops decided to set up camp across the border at a place called Isla Calero. Thankfully things died down without anything more than a lot of “saber-rattling.” The area is well-known for its tarpon fishing and there are a number of lodges that specialize in this activity.

Rio Colorado Tarpon Fishing

The Caribbean is wild and untamed, but also laid back and friendly. It you’re looking to do something different from the rest of the crowd, try the Caribbean. It also has a different weather pattern, so that during months of heaviest rain on the Pacific, you can find sunshine on the Caribbean.

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