Visited the ACTUAR office today.  Actuar is a Spanish verb meaning “to act.”  But in this case, it is also the name of the Costa Rican Association of Rural Community Tourism.  What is “rural community tourism.”  Well, according to their guidebook, it is tourism that provides a chance to really immerse oneself in local culture and its environment in a sustainable way and in a way that promotes community and individual growth.  Sounds pretty cool, huh?  The organization pulls together the many rural community tourism offerings available in Costa Rica (just take look at their map and you’ll be amazed at the depth and diversity of such experiences) and helps them gain needed marketing clout.  A rural community tourism offering may consist of simply a few families in some off-the-beaten, but naturally beautiful, path who ban together to give tourists a first hand experience of their way of life.  What does the tourist stand to gain?  Here is where the concept of “apathy kills” comes into view.  Apart from a stunning and upclose view of Costa Rican biodiversity, what Mr. or Mrs. Joe Tourist can gain is perspective.  Perspective of how life can be simpler, self-sufficient, self-sacrificing, sustainable and a whole lot more satisfying.  If one learns nothing more than that the effort it takes to recycle is worth it, then the rural community based touristic effort has made an impact. It amazes me how much in our consumer driven society that we become apathetic to even the smallest of efforts (like recycling) that can make a great impact on our world.  A rural community tourism experience in Costa Rica can be a wake-up call for adopting a more sustainable and caring attitude towards other people and towards our planet.  And that is well worth the effort.  I applaud Actuar and look forward to learning more about them and perhaps lending support. The name is very fitting!  Apathy does kill, but Actuar’s strategy is indeed “to act” to combat it.

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