
Where is happiness located? The U.S. Declaration of Independence speaks of the “pursuit” of happiness, an expression that lends credence to its elusiveness. Happiness must be pursued because it is indeed an elusive and often ephemeral thing. A deeply religious person will tell you that happiness is found in God, in your faith and in […]

Sancocho, Aguardiente Antioqueño and Vallenatos are just a few things I have learned to enjoy over the last couple years. What am I talking about? C-O-L-O-M-B-I-A, that’s what I’m talking about! I have referred to the fact before in pasts posts that my girlfriend is “pura paisa” from Medellín, Colombia. Yes, that is the home […]

Despite the obvious fact that my blood runneth one hundred percent gringo, often I feel that there is a Latino inside of me just waiting to burst out. I am frequently reminded of the differences, however. Especially by those closest to me. We gringos just aren’t as warm and fuzzy as Latinos. We are more […]

You’re either somebody, or you’re nobody. Growing up I always had visions of grandeur dancing in my head. I wanted to be someone important, or do something significant. This seems to be a prevailing mentality in the U.S., as if it were bred into us. The rise of media power in our everyday lives only […]

Change is an inevitable phenomenon of life. Things just never remain the same. They always change. Sometimes for the better. Other times for the worse. But one thing you can always count on for certain is that change will happen. It seems these days that change is in the air more than usual. Here in […]

Success in business can be a very elusive thing. I was thinking about that the other day and I came up with the following definition: Success in business is when you develop an idea that satisfies a need in a unique way and then you stick with it until it works, i.e., accomplishes your goals […]

Just returned from a trip to Nicaragua with my oldest daughter, Michelle, and her boyfriend. We visited Granada and Ometepe Island and had a great time. At least until the last night when I came down with Nicaragua’s version of Montezuma’s revenge, which I have now appropriately named “Nicarao’s Revenge” (after the legendary cacique that […]

The title is not really a valid alliteration. That is, not if you actually pronounce the name of Costa Rica’s most thriving beach community properly. It is not pronounced “Jack-o,” but “hawk-O” (with emphasis on the “o”). But when you juxtapose Jaco with the rest of Costa Rica, there is definitely something “wrong with this […]

Costa Rica is a Lepidopterist’s dream. There are around 20,000 or so butterfly species worldwide and many are found here in Costa Rica. According to the butterfly experts at the La Paz Waterfall Gardens, approximately 90% of the butterfly species in Central America exist in Costa Rica, nearly 66% of neo-tropical butterflies and about 18% […]

I guess I should consider myself very fortunate to live here in Santo Domingo de Heredia, Costa Rica. To the east I have an incredible view of the majestic and towering Vulcán Irazú. To the south, the “Cerros de Escazu” and to the north, Vulcán Barva. I live in a quiet residential neighborhood. There is […]

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