
I am speaking of Costa Rican Chief Exec, Oscar Arias, who actually is in New York, not Washington, to participate in the summit on world climate change and today, a U.N. meeting on nuclear arms proliferation chaired by none other than Obama himself. But being a sucker for “punnish” and sometimes “overly cute” titles to […]

Sometimes “experience” can be a bit overrated. I mean life is full of them, that’s for sure. Living as a stranger in a strange land can sometimes makes those experiences all the more “experiential.” Recently I had the experience of having my car repossessed. Never had that one in the U.S. Now all my readers are […]

I attend a church here in Costa Rica called Vida Abundante. There are several of these around the San Jose area, with the largest being in Coronado. This is an evangelical church, actually a Willow Creek affiliate church (the Chicago church pastored by Bill Hybels that pioneered the “community church” concept and has over 20,000 […]

I remember taking the Dale Carnegie course years ago. You know the one based on the book, How to Win Friends and Influence People. Truth is, however, that here in Costa Rica I haven’t really put those principles to practice very well. Being a gringo in a Latin country can make one feel quite isolated. […]

I have always been puzzled why they gave Greenland that name. I mean a place that is almost completely covered by ice and snow year around would have been more appropriately named “Whiteland,” don’t you think? I was driving around the Valle de Orosi this weekend and I tell you the true “greenland” is right […]

A question that has perplexed me for most of my life, since early childhood, is this….do dogs smile? It seems they do….that is, by the look on their faces. But I am not totally sure. I can tell you for certain, however, that dogs do experience happiness. Everytime my dog, Cash (aka, la nariz con […]

No, the topic of this post doesn’t relate to daydreaming about a Royal Caribbean cruise. What I am getting at is the seemingly unavoidable human inclination to procrastinate. For instance, I have had an idea brewing in my brain for some time now, like a couple years, and I am just now finally deciding to […]

This morning I read a tragic story about a young woman in her fifties who came here to start anew. Instead, she ended her life. I feel compelled to write something in response to this. I could write a cliché-filled diatribe about how “Costa Rica is not for everyone.” That you can’t escape yourself, nor […]

I first got a little taste of that island magic when I visited the island of Eleuthera back in the early 80’s. Eleuthera is an island in the Bahamas group. One of the first things I noticed upon landing is that these people drive on the wrong side of the road. The taxi driver quickly […]

Well seems I just passed the half-way point for 365 Reasons I Love Costa Rica. Writing these posts has been quite a journey for me. Within the previous 183 one can find information about Costa Rica (what the blog was originally supposed to be), my frequent political rants, bouts of self-loathing, as well as a […]

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