I am speaking of Costa Rican Chief Exec, Oscar Arias, who actually is in New York, not Washington, to participate in the summit on world climate change and today, a U.N. meeting on nuclear arms proliferation chaired by none other than Obama himself. But being a sucker for “punnish” and sometimes “overly cute” titles to my posts, I couldn’t resist the reference to one of my favorite movies of all time (Mr. Smith Goes to Washington). I read in La Nación that President Arias met privately with U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton during the summit. Arias asked Clinton if there was any way the U.S. could forgive $50 million in debt.  Arias vowed to commit the same amount to Costa Rica’s reforestation program….part of the overall goal of Costa Rica to be “carbon neutral” by 2021. Clinton apparently didn’t provide an answer, but thought the idea had merit. This morning I turn on the tube to my beloved Fox News (actually it is more of a love-hate relationship…I love the Fox News babes….especially that media-Colombiana Julie Banderas…..,but Glenn Beck really turns my stomach) and there was Don Oscar’s serious mug. Arias is the quintessential “brainy” world leader. He always seems so serious and solemn. I could never see him holding a “beer summit” in the back yard of his Rohrmoser mansion as did Obama recently on the White House lawn. Bottom line, Don Oscar just ain’t too cool, but he is effective. And he is respected around the world. Honduras called him in recently to broker a peace deal between Zelaya and Micheletti. He wasn’t successful, but you gotta give him credit for the effort. Arias was called to the climate change summit as representative of all “países de renta media” (medium income countries), many of which are located in Central America. However, Arias was quick to toss the ball back to major industrialized nations, saying that they are the ones who must put forth the most effort in making sure that their continued rapid development does not poison the environment. Regarding nuclear arms, Arias made the cogent point that the 13 trillion dollars destined to create arms over the next ten years is the “botín idóneo” (or ideal bounty) to be used in protecting the environment. The idea is all the more salient coming from a man who presides over a country with no standing army. Costa Rica recognized not too many years ago that its most valuable resource was indeed its environment. It dawned on the powers that be that Costa Rica could not cut, dig, bulldoze and pollute its way to prosperity. Since then things have brightened up, or better to say “greened up,” around here. The country has prospered via a policy of growth and development that highlights and protects its most valuable asset, its stunning natural beauty and rich biological diversity. That gives Arias a lot of credibility when he speaks to other world leaders. They should listen and listen well. Because when you get right down to it, the environment is the most valuable asset of every nation on earth. No one will prosper long without clean air to breathe and fresh water to drink. Policies that encourage growth and at the same time are respectful to the environment are key to maintaining those things for the future. Just as pain serves as a full-proof warning system that something is going seriously wrong with our bodies, the global warming phenomenon is our planet’s way of warning its inhabitants that something is seriously wrong. Leaders like Don Oscar are standing up and taking notice of that, despite the political heat it engenders. Others should follow his lead.

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