No, the topic of this post doesn’t relate to daydreaming about a Royal Caribbean cruise. What I am getting at is the seemingly unavoidable human inclination to procrastinate. For instance, I have had an idea brewing in my brain for some time now, like a couple years, and I am just now finally deciding to take action. Why is it that we have this tendency to always put things off, as if they will be easier or less painful if accomplished “tomorrow?” These days the excuse most readily available is “the economy.” I have to wait until the economy improves is the excuse my lazy angel always gives whenever the “brown-noser” angel pipes up with “let’s get’er done today!” What am I schizo or something, for crying out loud! The idea I have had is to share my deep love and affection, and cursory knowledge, of Costa Rica with fellow gringos up north. How? Via a Life Transition seminar no less. I now even have a web page dedicated to the seminar right here on the Costa Rica Guy site. The seminar will be for folks interested in Costa Rica for a number of “healthy” reasons (advice on how to pick-up Latin chicks will not be given, sorry!), such as investment, development, retirement, etc., etc. I have literally had this idea for years and keep coming up with every excuse under the sun for why I can’t do it now. Of course there is also this phobia I have of returning to the U.S. I am not sure where that comes from…I mean I haven’t made the FBI’s most wanted list, yet. Anyway, I believe it is time to take the plunge, take a risk, bite the bullet, carpe diem, and all that crap and just do it! The Rolling Stones used to sing, “Time waits for no one, and it won’t wait for me.” Truth be told, “time” is the proverbial “double-edged sword.” In the better sense, it is true that we have “all the time there is.” But on the flip side, time wasted is, well, gone….it can’t be redeemed, can it? Sitting around contemplating one’s navel feels all good and safe in the moment, but one day your gonna get bored with that and you might just discover that it’s now too late. There are four very special young people in the U.S. who already may be thinking that….that it is too late. I hope my motivation to move forward with this idea and begin returning to the U.S. regularly will help me prove to them that it is not.

And now for a bit of the “shameless self-promotion” I often rail against….

Life Transition Seminar

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100 Cool Things to Do in Costa Rica
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