Things are actually pretty rosey these days. I am all moved in to my new home. While I did experience a bit of “trepidation” about the move initially, now I’m really loving it. And I got orange and mango trees in my backyard! What is really great is that my office is now separate from the house, even though both are part of the same property. That really helps with the commute, and it is a much saner way of doing it than having a home office. And the sales are really coming in again! All in all, life is good. Well, you know, it ain’t perfect…never is. But I can remember a lot worse! I just wonder what is around the corner to screw it all up. Isn’t that the way it goes….that is, as soon as things appear to be sailing along smoothly, along comes one of those rogue waves called “circumstances of life” to capsize your boat. Of course, that mode of thinking isn’t going to help much and may actually “attract” what it is that I fear (if you believe in that sort of thing). Nevertheless, I think I’ll just enjoy this smooth ride at least until the gas runs out. Tomorrow I am off to Nicaragua for another one of those infamous “border runs.” Hopefully those will be coming to an end soon, as I expect to have my residency by early next year. I guess you get the drift that I really don’t have much to write about today…..what, Costa Rica Guy is out of opinions? Well, every once and a while I do simply draw a complete blank when I stare at my computer screen trying to concoct Reason # whatever. Life in Costa Rica is good and when it is really good it is great. Right now it is great and I plan to squeeze as much enjoyment out of it as I can. After all, that’s why we are here isn’t it? To enjoy our time and the small space we are privileged to occupy. I am very happy that my space is located in Costa Rica. So to whomever or whatever is out there just waiting to invade it…..dejame en paz por favor!

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100 Cool Things to Do in Costa Rica
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