Goodbye 2009, hello 2010!  It seems each new year brings an expectation of better, or at least different, things to come.  The essence of the so-called “New Year’s resolution” is being fed-up with the old and ready, though maybe not willing, nor able, to bring on the new.  After all, like “they” always say, “the grass is a whole lot greener on the other side” of change.  But is it really?  Yea, there are certainly some changes I plan to make in 2010, my last, and hopefully best, year of my 40’s.  In fact, I look forward to the next decade, not with dreaded anticipation of finally losing the last gota of my youthfulness (have no plans for that), but with anxious anticipation of the adventures that lie before me.  The way it looks from my small patio, here in La Uruca, San Jose, Costa Rica, the grass is already pretty darn green.  Why would I want it any different?  I believe sometimes we are so discontent with the status quo simply because we aren’t paying attention to what’s right, but instead only focused with laser-like intensity on what we perceive to be wrong.  It is as if we are suffering from perpetual “teenageritis.”  Teenagers seem to go through 90% of their existence discontent with the way things are.  This is in large part, I believe, because they always want what the other guy or gal has, even if that person, or thing, is nothing more to them than a digital or photographic image…..whiter teeth, a darker tan, the latest and greatest cell phone or PDA, a more gorgeous girl or boyfriend, more talent, different parents, and so on and so forth.  Do we lose these inane desires as we get older? Well to some degree, but certainly not totally.  I believe a better way is the way of “celebrated discontent.”  That is, being inwardly happy with the way things are, but more than willing to bring on whatever change that is necessary to make it better.  I truly believe that is a life’s philosophy worth living, even though it ain’t always easy (no one told you it would be….and if they did, they lied).  So seeking the greener side of life will be in my plans for the coming year, but on a much different level than is usually referenced.  That is, greener in the sense of more living, learning, and loving every minute I get to experience this marvelous and miraculous journey.  Merry Christmas, Happy New Year and as always, Pura Vida!

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