It seems that Western society is designed along the lines of the following conspiracy….the solvers of problems create the problems to be solved.  Take Western medicine and medical care, for instance. It just seems that we have set up a society so full of stress and poison that it creates a constant and never-ending stream of problems to be solved, so-called diseases, which are treated in such a way as to either perpetuate the problem, or create adjunct problems.  We treat diseases with drugs and invasive procedures rather than strive to create a healthy living environment where diseases do not proliferate.  We feed ourselves with “manufactured food” that is laced with so many toxins that it is no wonder we are falling victim to cancer and other fatal diseases.  We strive for more and more stuff and then wonder why we need drugs or therapy to combat the mental stress and fatigue so engendered.  It seems to me to be a vicious cycle that is extremely hard to break out of.  How can one do it?  I believe the answer lies in a more sustainable and “organic” lifestyle.  A lifestyle that is more focused on promoting and maintaining health than accumulating objects that poison the body and mind.  I really get a chuckle out of the way people become so obsessed with automobiles, as if they are the be all and end all to our existence….as if the ultimate goal in life is to own, let’s say, a Ferrari.  So we work ourselves to death, poison our bodies with processed foods and drugs because we don’t have time to “eat organically” and then wonder why we begin to break down long before we realize our coveted prize.  And for those who already have one, a Ferrari that is, I ask you this….is it really worth it?  Was it really worth spending all that time and money to own something so trivial and nonessential when there are children in places of this world who go to bed at night hungry?  I know that sounds judgmental and I really don’t mean it to be that…just an opportunity to think about where deeper priorities might lie.  We have set up a society in the West that promotes the disasters it seeks to solve and I believe it is time to seek a better way. Other parts of the world are now following suit.  Maybe we should lead them down a different path, don’t you think?

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