In Costa Rica, the “hangover” is generally referred to using the word “goma,” as in “estoy de goma mala” (I have a bad hangover).  Hangovers are called different things throughout Latin America.  In Colombia, the hangover is “guayabo.”  In Mexico it is “crudo.”  It is kind of weird, since the literal translation for “goma” is rubber.  This morning “estoy con una goma de la gran puta.”  I drank a few too many Imperials and “tragos de aguardiente” last night, trying to drown the worry of various problems I am currently experiencing.  Thing is waking up with a “goma” just presents another problem on top of all the others.  But when the juice is flowing one tends to forget that small detail, now don’t we?  And I don’t want to hear any lectures about the fact that I “might” be an alcoholic. Of course I am…who that drinks and likes it isn’t?  Just take any of those online surveys that if you answer 3 out of 300 questions yes, you are a boozer.  Same goes with sex addiction.  According to those surveys, anyone who likes sex and has it on a regular basis (with someone or thing) is an addict.  And anyways I don’t care to walk around for the rest of my life wearing a sign that says, “hello, I am Scott Bowers and I am an alcoholic.”  I don’t mean to belittle any of you twelve-steppers out there.  Surely those programs have done a world of good for many people, but I do draw the line at coming to a quick conclusion of alcoholism simply because I fell down and scuffed my knee while drunk.  But your drinking is killing you, some will say.  No, but this headache from my “goma” is!  I will be just fine tomorrow, or maybe even this afternoon after a little “hair of the dog that bit me.”  Maybe my next twelve steps should be to find the nearest AA meeting!

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