I am normally not one prone to becoming inspired by politicians.  I mean there have been some that have been inspirational, like Abraham Lincoln, John F. Kennedy and others of that caliber. I must say that Costa Rica’s current president, Oscar Arias, inspires me.  This is not the first time he served as president.  He served from 1986 to 2000, but was denied a second term due to a constitutional amendment.  That amendment has since been revoked and Arias was re-elected in 2006 (albeit narrowly due to a hard fought race with left of center Ottón Solís who opposed the free trade agreement with the U.S.).  I have witnessed amazing changes in this country under the leadership of Arias.  For one thing, the free trade agreement (CAFTA, or TLC as it is called here in Costa Rica) passed via nationwide referendum due primarily to Arias’ staunch support despite bitter opposition from monopolists and isolationists who tried to use fear tactics to their advantage.  A lesser politician would have done everything possible to prevent a referendum that actually placed the final decision in the hands of the people that would be directly affected by passage of the law.  Of course, back in 1987 he won the Nobel Prize for his efforts in bringing peace to Central America that was at the time war torn.  Central America is indeed a peaceful and more prosperous place in the world due to his efforts then and his continued work now.  And then there is the fact that now one can generally get from point A to point B in Costa Rica without disappearing in a pot hole (granted there is still much work done, but no one can argue that infrastructure throughout the country has improved dramatically under Arias’ watch).  Arias appears to me to be a humble intellectual whose words generally mean something.  This is refreshing in a world where integrity among politicians is a rare attribute.

Óscar Arias Facts:

  1. Born September 13, 1940 in the province of Heredia
  2. First elected president in 1986
  3. Won the Nobel Prize in 1987
  4. Also recipient of Albert Schweitzer Prize for Humanitarianism
  5. Holds degrees of Economics and Law from University of Costa Rica and Doctorate in Political Science from University of Essex in London
  6. Party Affiliation: PLN (National Liberation Party)
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