
This post is apt to be one of those cathartic ones that has me “thinking out loud” (in written form) and trying to answer a question that has been bouncing around in my head.  That question this morning is…what does sustainability really mean?  I think that is important because I tend to see myself as some sort of […]

I wrote yesterday about Ryan Bingham and his lighter backpack theory of life.  In case you’re wondering who that is, he is the fictional frequent flyer character played by George Clooney in the movie Up in the Air.  Bingham’s suggestion, if you’ll remember, was to lighten your pack by discarding things that “tie you down.” […]

“Costa Rica”  I can remember when that name carried an exotic and mysterious appeal.  Where is that place exactly?  Isn’t it DANGEROUS down there? I mean, do they have roads?  Can you drink the water?  Well, all that has changed in large part now as Costa Rica has become a new house-hold word in the […]

Things are actually pretty rosey these days. I am all moved in to my new home. While I did experience a bit of “trepidation” about the move initially, now I’m really loving it. And I got orange and mango trees in my backyard! What is really great is that my office is now separate from […]

I have always been puzzled why they gave Greenland that name. I mean a place that is almost completely covered by ice and snow year around would have been more appropriately named “Whiteland,” don’t you think? I was driving around the Valle de Orosi this weekend and I tell you the true “greenland” is right […]

You’re either somebody, or you’re nobody. Growing up I always had visions of grandeur dancing in my head. I wanted to be someone important, or do something significant. This seems to be a prevailing mentality in the U.S., as if it were bred into us. The rise of media power in our everyday lives only […]

Change is an inevitable phenomenon of life. Things just never remain the same. They always change. Sometimes for the better. Other times for the worse. But one thing you can always count on for certain is that change will happen. It seems these days that change is in the air more than usual. Here in […]

There is something amazingly liberating, at least to me, about taking to the highway. I have always enjoyed just going.  The “where” never really mattered that much.  That is, until I ended up “there” and then began the process of wondering why I ever made the journey.  Why?  Because the “joy” is in the journey.  […]

Man lately it has been extremely windy here in Santo Domingo.  And every time I turn on the TV and turn into my favorite U.S. news chanel (hey I have to stay informed), there is a lot of wind there too…or maybe it would better be described as “hot air.”  It seems that this whole […]

I don’t know about you, but lately this “economic crisis” is getting on my nerves.  I mean selling a Costa Rica vacation these days is like trying to sell ice to an Eskimo. It looks like the only way I am going to get business these days is to pay you guys (that is, all […]

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