
I need to inform you that there’s this new eBook called 100 Cool Things to Do in Costa Rica. It’s free, it’s cool and it is chock full of stuff to do in all the cool Costa Rica places. Costa Rica is a touristic juggernaut (how’z that for a hype?). Really though, virtually every nook […]

One of the most frequent questions I get from Package Costa Rica customers (or potential customers) is, hey, CRG, what’s the weather like? Or, a variation, such as, we were thinking of coming in x or y (month), is that a good time to come, weather-wise? I usually provide a curt and self-serving answer like […]

I’ll start with a funny story about yours truly. When I first came to Costa Rica back in 2001, the month after 9-11 occurred actually, I knew about as little Spanish as you would expect a Carolina red-neck to have. I came down on a fairly highfalutin (that’s red-neck talk and means “significant”) business deal. […]

I can’t believe we’ve reached the end of this series. And what better way to end it…Jaco Beach. I am originally from Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. I don’t know if maybe you’ve heard of that place, or have even visited. It is known for its tackiness and ultra-extreme level of commercialization (see my Colossal Crab […]

I always consider going over to the Nicoya Peninsula to be a Costa Rica adventure. I feel as if I am entering some strange, exotic and remote area. And indeed there are places over there that do fit that bill. But it is also home to some gorgeous beaches, fantastic boutique resorts, super waves and […]

Monteverde is one of the “crown-jewels” of Costa Rica tourism (the others being Arenal and Manuel Antonio). What makes it so popular? Mainly the cloud forest. What the heck is a “cloud forest”, you ask? Well, a forest in the clouds, dummy. No, really it’s a little more complicated than that. True, the cloud forest […]

The coolest place in Costa Rica (in my humble opinion) is the Osa Peninsula. Why? Because it is Costa Rica in its wildest and most untamed nature. A large chunk of the peninsula is the Corcovado National Park. That is the same one that National Geographic boldly proclaimed the most biologically intense place on earth. […]

This was an easy one. The area of the Arenal Volcano has so much to see and do that I could tap out ten things with one hand tied behind my back. This area is a pure natural playground that attracts about 90% of Costa Rica’s tourism traffic. They say the volcano is not as […]

What a special place Costa Rica is! It is a tiny country with a whole lot of fun packed in. For instance, we have a gorgeous Pacific coastline with more great beaches than I can count. In fact, most people think of our Pacific when they think of Costa Rica beach destinations. But that ignores […]

It is common to either start or finish your Costa Rica vacation in San Jose. There is some misinformation out there saying San Jose is boring. That there is nothing to do or see. Quite to the contrary. I lived in San Jose for 10 years and I can tell you that there is plenty […]

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