
I am intrigued by the concept of “social entrepreneurship.”  A quick search of Wikipedia reveals the following definition….”the main aim of social entrepreneurship is to further social and environmental goals.”  The Wikipedia page goes on to say, “whilst social entrepreneurs are most commonly associated with the voluntary and not-for-profit sectors, this need not necessarily be […]

Group of Ticos Living in Arizona I read an article in the Sunday issue of La Nación about the way ticos living in Arizona, as well as other U.S. states, are perceiving the new immigration law. The perception is that this law has unleashed a backlash of anger and hatred towards Latin American people in […]

Visited the ACTUAR office today.  Actuar is a Spanish verb meaning “to act.”  But in this case, it is also the name of the Costa Rican Association of Rural Community Tourism.  What is “rural community tourism.”  Well, according to their guidebook, it is tourism that provides a chance to really immerse oneself in local culture and […]

I have had the notion from time to time of offering a traditional Costa Rica vacation package with a twist.  And that twist would be allocating some portion of time to volunteering.  The volunteer part would not just be about sloshing out ladles of soup in some downtown San Jose soup kitchen.  No, it would […]

In addition to running a travel business arranging Costa Rica vacations, I also operate both a physical and online store that sells Costa Rican indigenous arts and crafts.  One of those indigenous groups is the Bribris of the Talamanca region located in the extreme southern Caribbean zone.  I had the good fortune of finding a […]

As a kid we all hated when that bratty brother or sister, cousin or more distant relative or friend, told on us.  Made you want to do bodily harm to the you know what, now didn’t it?  Right now I have one of those here in Costa Rica.  His name is Nik Clayton and he […]

Have you ever raised, or taken part in raising, a “strong-willed” child?  You know the one that always goes left when you say say right and up when you say down.  Well this morning I am not going to talk about children, but customers (who, frankly, often behave as children)…and it seems that 99.99% of […]

I am currently working with several indigenous groups in Costa Rica that are known for their arts and crafts.  What they do, in fact what any artist does, is amazing when you think about it.  It especially amazes me when something incredibly beautiful is created simply from the natural resources that the earth provides, combined […]

Growing up in the southern U.S., I have had my share of insect stings, mainly from that unattended can of soda on the school-yard playground that serves as a yellow-jacket magnet.  Here in Costa Rica, with something like 5 to 6% of the earth’s biodiversity, there are an untold number of creatures capable of delivering […]

From the title of this post, one can quickly evaluate my level of Spanish.  But then again, me intendiste, verdad?  I get corrected alot, by Lily, her children, family and others.  But, even so, the point usually gets across.  And the point here is, I got mangos coming out my ears these days!  We have […]

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